Need help with your air ducts?

Fast & Thorough Air Duct Cleaning

Professional cleaning for HVACs, dryer vents, air duct leak repairs, and more! Schedule a service appointment to have San Diego air ducts cleaned by local pros.


If you want to keep your air duct in great working condition, you may benefit hugely from reading the large list of questions and answers we have compiled on this FAQ page. Find out how to have the system cleaned and improve your air quality.

Why isn't my kitchen exhaust hood working properly?

This could be something as simple as needing to change the filters, or the hood could need a thorough cleaning. Over time, things like dirt, dust and grease can accumulate and reduce the efficiency of this system. Our professionals can give your kitchen exhaust hood a thorough inspection and cleaning, and get it to work efficiently once again.

Do we need to leave the house during air duct cleaning?

You don't necessarily need to leave your house while your air duct system is being cleaned. However, if one of your family has respiratory or allergy problems, it is probably a good idea to send them away until the process is complete. Pets are not a problem, but do keep them out of the way. If you have any concerns, our experts can answer any questions you have.

Are electrostatic air filters better than the rest?

These are made of natural materials such as cotton and are electrostatically charged, so as to capture more and smaller particles. They have a very good efficiency rating, without being very thick. Their affordability is another factor that makes them a good choice for families and especially those with small children, allergy sufferers and pets.


Have any questions? We can help! Leave us your contact information below and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


With our team at your service, your satisfaction is always guaranteed. You can count on our professionals for outstanding quality and perfect results!

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Select Date and time
Mar 10, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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